Head Up & Yoshimi #1

Today’srun in Central Park was awesome. I did 8.11 miles in 58:47, my first time this year at that distance under 1 hour. My pace was 7:15s–awesome, too! The weather helped a ton: It was 76 with only 25-30% humidity. Here are the deets:

Some things to report from today’s run:

– I practiced keeping my head up as opposed to down in this run. It seemed to help me keep speedy or speedy up rather than get bogged down by “visual friction” that comes with watching the pavement.

– When I walk, I have a bit of a limp in my right ankle area. It goes away when I run. At least mostly: I still have to be careful. Before the run I had 1 ibuprofen, which may have helped.

– I listened to The Flaming Lips’s album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, my favorite running album for Central Park. I have it pretty well synched to my runs such that I can figure out if I’m behind or ahead. I found out I was doing pretty decently in this run based on how I synched with the course.

– I ran in late afternoon. It was perfect running weather.

– When I started the run, though, I felt as if I was in slow motion. I immediately thought it had something to do with the beef I’d had at lunch on set. I ate a nice helping of it. I figured digestion was going on.

I hit the gym for abs, glutes, arms, back, and a little bit of chest after the run. On to see fireworks in the park!

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