Challenge to Go Fast

The temperature was 78, humidity 60%, and there was the threat of rain. I had a dinner to get to and had just awakened from a 4-hour nap, since I’d only gotten 3 hours of sleep between a production that wrapped around midnight and another production that started at 6:30am today. These were the circumstances that bore on today’s run. I’m very happy with the result: I challenged myself to go fast today, to see if I could run to get a good time, and I kinda did. In this heat that wasn’t screamingly humid, I did 7:25s over 6.25 miles. My pace was pretty steady, and I could feel that my stamina on hills had improved. Here are today’s stats:

As for injuries, I still have a quarter-sized blister healing on the ball of my left foot, with some mini blisters on the ends of a couple toes on that foot and a small blister on the fall of my right foot. They don’t seem really to affect my running much, though, other than being a nuisance. However, I wonder if the one on my left foot has affected my stride, though: Up the outside of my left leg, the tendons or whatnot are sore and made me walk a little funny, as if I’m trying to protect my blister. It affected my walk but not my run, which was nice to find out.

Not much more to say other than I’m pleased with today’s results. Afterwards, I surprised myself by hitting the gym for a quick set of arms, abs, shoulders, and even back. I think it’s my latissimus dorsi that are what’s troubling me right now–back spasmlike pain has been ravaging me the last few days.