Dry, Wonderful Heat

Today’s run started out in 89-degree weather. It “cooled” to 87 by the second loop. But the humidity was only about 38%, so it was a very tolerable kind of heat. I ran a couple loops of Central Park with Elizabeth Corkum today. It was my first time running since Tuesday, partly because of work but partly because of other lovely developments.

This week tired me out so much that I actually skipped the race I was scheduled to do this morning; I got home from work around 4am and I just thought it would be stupid to race when a long run was more valuable to me. It happened to work out that Elizabeth was going for the same distance in the park around the same time so we coordinated it perfectly. Along the way we stopped for hydration and did PowerGels halfway through the race. We stopped once because of a knee problem Elizabeth was dealing with. Also, at one point I wanted to do a speedier mounting of a hill while she walked, then I reconnected with her by jogging back to her. In the end, this long run left me with plenty of energy left. I have a race tomorrow morning and that’s just about how I like today’s run, so I’m not pooped out.

I guess nothing more to say other than I hit the gym after hanging with Elizabeth for a bit. I did abs, glutes, arms, and a little bit of shoulders. I’m still a bit tired so perhaps that is why I left a little earlier than I expected to. Cheers for now!