Light as a Feather

I didn’t get out to run yesterday as I filled my day with menial tasks, but today I got out for a run. Garmin decided to weird out and start late in recording my path. I actually ran my typical 6.3-mile path today but Garmin only picked up inside the loop in Central Park, plus it was spazzing out in the first couple miles about my pace. So the results today are misleading.

I don’t know what the difference between Avg. Pace and Avg. Moving Pace is, but you’ll see there is about a 30-second difference. I felt I was going at a decent clip today so I’m inclined to think I averaged 7:33s but later splits were around 7:45s. I definitely felt rested and relatively stressless considering the weather. It was 71 with about 60% humidity but it didn’t feel at all like that kind of humidity, possibly because of the nice gusts of wind. It was mostly sunny and peaceful and it felt great to be out.

Apart from Garmin being my nemesis this run, I had a second nemesis: The Spibelt I got from my brother when I was in Alpharetta. I tested it today by bringing my cell phone with me and putting it in there. I also decided to hook my headphones into it, too, to listen to music from my phone rather than via my Sony Walkman mp3 player. It really was a bit clumsy given how I run. First, I run shirtless and roll my shirt up and put it in the front of my shorts. This creates a bulge that caused some problem with the secure hold of the Spibelt. Second, I wear an Amphipod on my back around the waist, and the Spibelt was trying to pull that up, which was a bit annoying. Third, I was fumbling a bit with my phone to change music and not get it wet from sweat. I brought the phone in case I got any casting calls I’m expecting, but none came in. It was nice to test to see just what the issues were, which might be not that big of a deal if the call I’m expecting is important and the run is, too.

As for my feelings, I lightened rather than tightened my laces on my new shoes, and as a result I didn’t get any tingling. I had no leg pain, and my comfort in running today was attributable perhaps to rest, perhaps to the hills I did in Alpharetta, and perhaps to the lack of humidity. Other than that, I don’t know!

I was going to do 2 laps of Central Park but looking at my training over the next couple of days, I thought against it. As a result of my trip and its stresses, I’m a bit scattered and lacking focus about my training. I should be averaging about 40 miles a week by this point, and I’m not. I’m not too worried about that, but I need more solid focus. Let’s get focused, Ben.

Oh, and I hit the gym for abs, arms, and shoulders. That’s it. I have some foreboding tasks ahead of me and they’re already draining my attention. I keep wanting rest and time when I want to be wanting productivity and happiness.

One thought on “Light as a Feather”

  1. Try wearing the belt inside the waistband of your shorts (I do that sometimes) and tucking your shirt into just the shorts. Make playlists you like so you don’t have to fuss with the music. I also carry a pack of gum which is both handy and creates a buffer between my sweaty skin and my phone…you could also use a metrocard, a couple dollars cash, a Gu or whatever…

    I think the only time I’ve ever felt uncomfortable with my SPIbelt was on an 18 miler carrying an iPhone, a set of keys, 2 Gus, a couple credit cards and a pack of gum.

    I’m pretty sure I could have packed a small tent in there as well if I’d put the keys in my shorts pocket instead.

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