Thank You, Red Shirt

Red Shirt, thanks for passing me! You gave me a challenge inside my fifth mile that nearly got me to run my distance today in under an hour!

Because of you, Red Shirt, I completed 8.08 miles (typically listed on Garmin as 8.15 miles) in 1:00:03, which is just 3 seconds shy of my challenge for the week of breaking an hour for that distance. I did better than I thought I was doing, turns out, and I think it was because of you!

Highlights of today’s run as I speedily type out this post:

It was pretty darn warm at 69 degrees with 80% humdity and clouds. My body felt a little banged up with a pull in my midback along the outside of my right ribcage, but it didn’t interfere with my run. I had a slight shin splint in the inside of my right leg, but it didn’t interfere that much. And inside my fifth mile, my left ankle suddenly “grabbed” but relaxed soon after. That surprised me but wasn’t catastrophic.

I saw Kara in the park today, who was a girl I shaked my booty with last night on set and rode part of the way home with. It was funny seeing her because we both said we were going to run in the morning! It was so quick that I didn’t get to say anything, but I’ll say something later today when I see her.

And I used my heart rate monitor today, too. My average HR was 174 bpm, which was in the 94% zone. Is that weird? I have to figure that out more: Can’t believe I’m training that hard. I loosened the strap a bit because it did feel before my run that it was restricting my breathing, making me work harder.

But a 7:25 pace isn’t bad considering the weather! I felt as if I did noticeably better today, possibly because of leg training I did a couple days ago when I couldn’t run.

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