My First Run with a Heart Rate Monitor

This morning I did a mid-range run using my Garmin’s heart rate monitor. It’s my first run ever with a heart rate monitor, and it provided me some interesting biofeedback with which I’ve been unfamiliar to date.

Using the standard formula, my predicted MHR (maximum heart rate) was 186 bpm, but this run shows that I have at least the potential for 188 bpm since my final sprint brought me to that level. Before my run, within the first few minutes of waking, I put on the heart rate monitor to test out my RHR (resting heart rate). Garmin was a little erratic as I was trying to figure out if I needed GPS on or not to test out my heart rate, but it seems my RHR is somewhere between 72 and 75 bpm–at least for this morning.

For most of my run, my heart rate was between 169 and 172 bpm. You can see the fluctuations in my heart rate by clicking View Details in the above Garmin results and scrolling to the bottom-right graph labeled Heart Rate. I was thus working in the 90% range it would seem. I guess this is surprising to me because I didn’t feel I was working that hard.

What kept me from working very hard was my lower legs. The outside of my calves from my ankles up most of my calves just felt tired, and tired meant somewhat uncomfortable to run with. This discomfort generally left me around the 10K mark, when I was better able to push myself. I’m not sure why this is. The temperature was 63, cloudy, and a touch humid in about the 80% range. I guess after a full day of rest, I thought I’d have better performance. Noted, though, I was carrying about 2 lbs. more in weight, though I felt oddly leaner. Also, I wondered if the use of the heart rate monitor (which is an elastic strap around my ribcage) constricts my breathing a bit.

Garmin said I only did 8.06 miles when I did my standard 8.15 miles. This may spell to some degree why I have such a low-seeming pace. To note, I was able to speed up my last mile considerably, though I wasn’t able to break the 1-hour mark. Yet. Maybe this week.

Before the run was ArginMax, quercetin, and a PowerGel. I also tried a nitric oxide supplement last night but not today. After the run, I hit the gym for abs, arms, pecs, shoulders, and because of the issues, calves. At home I had some proteinous Naked Juice. Cheers!

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