Teaching News

Zoom Seminar // Ward Studio Stand-In Workshop

This afternoon I was a Zoom seminar guest for Ward Studio’s “Stand-In Workshop.” I talked about Stand-In Central, the genesis of The Stand-In Handbook, as well as what working as a TV/film stand-in is about.

By |2021-11-20T22:58:37-05:00November 20th, 2021|Categories: Acting News, Stand-In Gigs, Teaching News, Interviews|Tags: |0 Comments

Video Presentation // “Extensional Devices Revisited”

Today, at the 2020 General Semantics Symposium hosted by the Institute of General Semantics, my video presentation titled “Extensional Devices Revisited” was released.

The presentation gives a brief overview of general semantics and its founder Alfred Korzybski’s vision, mentions five linguistic devices he recommended for making one’s language more correspondent with empirical reality, and introduces two new extensional devices to the list.

The 15-minute video was uploaded to the IGS YouTube channel here.

By |2020-10-11T10:24:57-04:00October 10th, 2020|Categories: Acting News, Teaching News, General News, Videos, Performances|Tags: |0 Comments

New Video Series // “Reading ‘Long-Form Improv'” with Ben Hauck

Today I released the first videos of my new series supplementing the chapters of my book Long-Form Improv.  The series is titled “Reading Long-Form Improv and it’s viewable on my YouTube channel.

Each video is dedicated to a chapter in my book, and each fleshes out the topics in the chapter for even better understanding.

I’ll be releasing videos periodically, so subscribe to my YouTube channel to be emailed updated!


“Improvised New York” Podcast Interview

On October 5th, I did an interview with Elizabeth Quinn for her Improvised New York podcast. The interview was the substance for Episode 47, which came out today.

Subscribe to her fantastic podcast which interviews all kinds of improvisers on iTunes or listen on Podbean when it’s released a little later this month.

Interview // “Improvised New York” Podcast

This morning I did an interview with Elizabeth Quinn for her Improvised New York podcast. The interview will be the substance for Episode 47.

Subscribe to her fantastic podcast which interviews all kinds of improvisers on iTunes or listen on Podbean when it’s released a little later this month.

By |2016-10-14T13:45:11-04:00October 5th, 2012|Categories: Acting News, Writing News, General News, Teaching News, Performances|Tags: |0 Comments

Long-Form Improv Crash Course @ Otterbein College

Today I taught the second of a two-day session in long-form improv at Otterbein College.

The session culimated with a fun, informal performance in which 4 new improv teams each performed a La Ronde. The show was outstanding, especially considering that most of these students had never improvised in front of an audience.

By |2010-01-06T13:44:39-05:00November 15th, 2009|Categories: Teaching News|Tags: , |0 Comments
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