Yahoo! Shine

Yahoo! Shine BlogHer 2010 Hosting Videos Online!

Videos from my hosting assignment for Yahoo! Shine’s “You. Reinvented.” booth at BlogHer 2010 are online!

Below is a list of the videos I could find that include my hosting. I’ve also added a page in my Videos section dedicated to this project.

Check here for more videos should they go online soon! And if you’re one of the people I got to interview, say hi by commenting below!

Nicole Moore
Dana Walsh
Sarah White
Tara Cousineau
Deborah Hines
Shannon Morgan
Mia Shelton
Sandy Jones
Nichelle […]

By |2010-08-17T20:51:13-04:00August 17th, 2010|Categories: Acting News, Hosting Gigs, Website Content Updates, Videos|Tags: , |0 Comments

Host for Yahoo! Shine Videos // BlogHer ’10 Conference // The Hilton New York

Today at The Hilton New York, I hosted videos at the Yahoo! Shine booth for BlogHer ’10 conference attendees. The theme for the booth was “You. Reinvented.” and it received a lot of foot traffic. We generated video interviews with women who have reinvented themselves, and we provided them with embed codes so they could post their videos on their blogs.

As I understand it, the videos should be live by about Tuesday. Check the “You. Reinvented” webpage for videos. I played host for the last 15 or so […]

By |2010-08-07T18:13:13-04:00August 7th, 2010|Categories: Acting News, Hosting Gigs|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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