The Village // Episode 110
Today I stood in for Daren Kagasoff and Austin Nichols on Episode 110 of the television series The Village.
Today I stood in for Daren Kagasoff and Austin Nichols on Episode 110 of the television series The Village.
Today I worked as a photo double and I also stood in for Ben Ahlers and Warren Christie on Episode 109 of the television series The Village.
Yesterday into early this morning I worked on Episode 102 of the television series The Village. I was not used.
Today I stood in for Warren Christie on the television pilot The Village.
Today I stood in for Warren Christie on the television pilot The Village.
Yesterday into early this morning I stood in for Will Chase on the television pilot The Village.
Yesterday into early this morning I stood in for Warren Christie on the television pilot The Village.
Today I stood in for Warren Christie on the television pilot The Village.
Today I stood in for Warren Christie on the television pilot The Village.
Today I stood in at a camera test for the television pilot The Village. In attendance was photographer Michael Parmelee.