I Managed!

This morning I ran the Surf City USA Marathon in Huntington Beach, California. I ran the marathon in 3:39:42 and crossed the finish line hand-in-hand with Elizabeth Corkum, who for the second time in as many attempts qualified for the Boston Marathon.

Here are my unofficial Garmin results:

This was a pretty decent race. The weather was basically a non-factor, somewhere in the upper 40s or maybe low 50s at the start. It started at 6:30am with a little bit of darkness in the air, and a nice amount of fog lingering in the air. Earlier this week I was thinking I would downgrade and do the half-marathon, given that I’d had next to no training for this race. I’m glad I didn’t. Finishing under 3:40 was pretty impressive to me, which beat my first two marathons I ever ran, and for which I’d actually trained!

I strategized this race as basically a long training run. I told myself to start out very slow. I kept my promise and hovered around the 8-minute mile mark, plus or minus 15 seconds. I even hit the toilet at the first mile, which I would never even consider doing in a race where I wanted to set a PR! (My feeling is that if the toilet is available and you really need it, go for it, because that loss and complementary rest will allow you to make up the lost time, especially if you go early in the race.).

As my race went on, I actually started to pick up speed. For several of the miles up to 14 miles, I ran about 7:40s. Gradually, then, was when my speed started to diminish despite what seemed like the same effort. I think around the 12-mile mark I saw Elizabeth, who was ahead of me running back from a turnaround, and by my measurement was about 2 minutes ahead of me. I figured she’d start to slow down, and sure enough she had slowed when I saw her again at another turnaround around the 16th mile–then she was about a minute and a half behind me. Eventually I got within a minute of her and then saw her walking. I didn’t catch her her first time walking, but instead her second time. She definitely had more energy than me, but I didn’t stop to walk (the whole race!), and we decided to stick together for the rest of the race. As you can see from the photos (see the Photos page on the right), we finished hand-in-hand!

I felt like HELL after I finished. My thighs, calves, and lower back were really hating me. I wasn’t dizzy but felt as if I could fall because I felt unsteady on my feet. Both of us hurt. Elizabeth was disappointed with her time, mainly because she averaged a really fast pace over the half-marathon but lost a lot of speed in the second half. Myself, I was really happy. To run a sub-3:40 with little training was a message to me that I was generally a better runner than I was in my 20s.

While I have photographic evidence of my finish, apparently my D-tag didn’t register most of my race. It measured my first 3 miles as 24:12 (8:04s), but after then, nothing else registered. I had to email that I finished with Elizabeth for them to post my finish time. To date, no additional splits have posted and tech support suggested they wouldn’t post, but they haven’t told me why. While I’m not terribly disappointed, it is a disappointment not to have these stats but also not to have an explanation why I don’t have these stats. It definitely would be nice to know why they didn’t register!

The course for the Surf City USA Marathon was pretty decent. You might divvy the marathon into 3 parts: The Pacific Coast Highway plus Huntington Beach Central Park, the Pacific Coast Highway, and the beach walkway along the Pacific Coast Highway. The first third was great: I loved the winding and the hills the course offered, and Central Park was fun to run in despite being so narrow. The second third was alright, but it was a very long out and back. The third part was downright blech, being another out and back, but this time being a much longer out and back. For much of the final third, it was just a matter of persevering the distance.

When I was close to the finish, it looked as if we were going to come in cleanly below 3:40. However, as we got closer and closer, we realized that it was going to be really close. The 3:40 pacer was creeping up just behind us and finally met us. He was cheering his group on, and by default, us. I was in a dilemma: Elizabeth was faster than me and 3:40 would have qualified her again for Boston (well, 3:40:59). She was just ahead of the pacer by a stride, and I was just a stride behind the pacer, trying to keep up. I think actually I was trying to conserve energy for a sprint to the end. When we hit the lane to the finish, we both bolted hand-in-hand. It was joyous to do that, and it brought tears to my eyes to be able to do that. We busted out what felt like a pretty fast finish (you can see the video on the Photos page). And we got in just below 3:40.

Other than really sore quads, I escaped with bad chafing under my left arm near the armpit, a couple of foot blisters (including a blood one), and nothing much else. I weathered the race pretty well! Garmin was pretty solid and helpful, and I enjoyed running a marathon without much of a time goal. It was a great time doing the Surf City USA Marathon. Next up? The Boston Marathon in April!

More like Empire State Building Pull-Up!

This morning I pulled my way to a finish of under 19 minutes (18:47) in the Empire State Building Run-Up Preliminary Race. A fun experience!

For video of the event, click here!

Here are my unofficial results, followed by a detailed account:

It looked as if there were about 3 different races held this morning. First was for MMRF associates it seemed, and it went off at 8am. Then was the preliminary race, which I was in, leaving at 9am. Finally, there was the invitational race at 10am. I initially did not get into the invitational race, but I then got an email inviting me to join the preliminary race.

Holding for the race was on the 2nd floor of the Empire State Building. It was nothing fancy, but it was a friendly environment. At 8:45am we started to line up, and I was near the front. I wasn’t going to press to be first, though, because I’m hardly in shape at the moment and the race wasn’t competitive for me. In a line, we walked down and around until we got to the starting line. I was maybe in the third row of people. In front of us was press, and to our left was the entrance to the stairwell. It was maybe 30 feet away from the start line, but I’m not that great at estimating distances. It did look closer than in the YouTube videos I’d watched from prior years.

When the horn sounded, we were off. Nobody looked all that competitive in this group of maybe 100 people (several people noted how small the preliminary group seemed), and when I got to the doorway into the stairwell, there wasn’t that nightmarish-looking package of contorted runners trying to jam into the entrance. Instead, it was rather orderly and peaceful.

From the beginning, there was no use but to walk up the stairs given the number of people and the narrow staircase. (The staircase was 2 people wide.) The first 20 flights were in what you might call a “spiral” staircase–not truly spiral, of course, but small climbs and small landings equalling to 2 flights per floor. For the first several flights you were basically at the mercy of the speed of the people ahead of you. I don’t remember when the crowds started to separate, but I do remember that around the 12th floor, breathing issues started to affect people. You could hear a very dry wheeze coming from the people as this time, which was also coming from me. As for the sensation, my throat felt very dry. I can’t say I’ve had the feeling before today. If you want a sense of the feeling, maybe try breathing with the accentuation on the exhale at a pace of one exhale per second.

At the 20th floor, you leave the “spiral” staircase and head down a small corridor where there is water and photographers, as well as medical personnel. It was a nice break in the action, and I had to mute my habit of discarding my cup of water on the ground because, well, this was a concrete walkway with other runners coming through and a lot of potential for slipping. I can’t recall really needing the water, but I got some just in case. I can’t say after the fact whether I really needed it.

I’m 6’0″, and much of my race was spent taking 2 steps at a time. However, don’t think that this was much of a “run-up.” Most people I saw were in some state of walking. You might think that is something to shame. Well, no. It’s a damn tough challenge even if you’re walking. And it’s not as if you’re strolling along. You’re climbing at as fast a pace you can handle. You basically want to finish the damn thing. And part of the mystery in doing this your first time, like myself, is your finish time: “What will it be?” I think initially I thought I’d finish 14:30. I figured that after studying some results of people finishing around my age, and also not my age. Today, I thought, Maybe I can finish before 20 minutes. I did that. But time wasn’t so much the interest. It was just doing this cool, hard-to-get-into thing.

After the 20th floor, the course changes a bit if I remember correctly. The route shifts into long staircases coupled with long landings. Some of these staircases had about 2-step landings as you turn onto the longer staircase. They weren’t that bad to mount, actually. While most of these I walked up, occasionally I powered up 2 steps at a time. I passed a few people and a few people passed me. I think, though, I walked every landing. I remember what was going through my brain: Something to the effect of You’re not a wimp if you walk. Don’t let anyone make you think you are. It’s tough climbing these steps. Your heart is still pounding even if you’re walking these landings.

At the 65th floor is another corridor to another stairwell. You pass by water and photogs. This last stairwell, if I remember correctly, is like the average of the two prior stairwells–I seem to remember the landings as shorter than the prior stairwell but not as short as the “spiral” staircase. It’s remarkable how quickly you’ve come to these floors above 65. In fact, it’s remarkable how quickly you knock off every floor. 10 floors is not that bad to tackle, even when I was within range of the last 10 floors. Granted, I wasn’t moving at a cheetah’s pace!

Along the way there were employees of the Empire State Building watching the event and providing encouragement. There were also a few employees of the floors providing a little cheer. However, it’s mostly just you and any fellow runners around you. Within you, it’s you and your breathing, you and your heart, you and your desire to finish.

I pulled myself up for much of the race. Unless you are some kind of elite, I’m guessing you’re going to use the rails. I wondered if gloves might be helpful for handling them, but barehanded was fine. I’m sure there might be some potential for breaking a finger in the process, but such an accident I imagine would be “freak.” I was using both of my arms to climb the stairs, and my arms pretty much endured the race even without having a lot of upper-body strength right now. When I chose to run up a flight, though, I didn’t use the rails. (If you decide to wear gloves, make sure they can grip. Fleece gloves I imagine wouldn’t help you because they would potentially slide on the cylindrical rails.)

I’d never been to the top of the Empire State Building. When I hit the 86th floor, I think I did a diagonal to the left, then hit the outside and took a right. This is where you get the spectacular view. However, this year, it was super cloudy so you couldn’t really see anything! That was only a slight disappointment. You continue about 90 feet maybe, take another right, and there you are: FINISHED. My old co-worker Jono was there at the finish, and he gave a color commentary about my life after I crossed the finish line. Sadly, the cameraperson seemed to be fiddling around with his camera when I finished, so I think my finish may have gone unphoto’d. Oh well. In such a delirium, I think I forgot to say anything to Jono! I then took another right, walked inside a corridor, got water, got medalled, and went down to the 80th floor in order to descend to the 61st floor where baggage claim was.

As I changed on the 61st floor, several of the men in the room were prostrate, several others were coughing. The coughing was a little disburbing. I wasn’t sure why this was. I figured it must have been the 61st floor, which was unfinished with I think exposed concrete on the floor. Maybe not, though: Maybe it was from the dryness of the stairwell, the unconditioned air, dust from the stairwell, or something else. I didn’t start coughing myself until about 5 minutes after finishing. That is, it took a while, but eventually I started to cough, too.

The post-race treats were delicious (um, cheesecake muffins??). After eating a cheesecake muffin and an oat-bran muffin, and apple and orange juices, I left, heading straight down to the 1st floor. Several people took photos. I didn’t really want to.

How were my legs? Not bad. I could descend steps quite fine, actually. I felt pretty good. My body definitely did not feel like a wreck. I’m writing this about 2 hours after I finished, and other than a little sting in my throat, I don’t have a cough and my legs just feel a little tired from being worked. 24 hours after the race may tell a different tale, which is usually when I feel soreness.

Also, I wrote this post without many typos, so I’m wondering if the breathing brought a kind of lucidity to my thinking. Something to think about!

All in all, the Empire State Building Run-Up Preliminary Race was a great time. The atmosphere was cheerful and non-competitive, and the fitness experience was definitely exceptional.

If you ran in the 2011 race, feel free to say hello by posting a comment below.

Well, THIS Year, Damnit!

From: Empire State Building Event
To: Benjamin S. Hauck
Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 3:09:19 PM
Subject: 2011 Empire State Building Run-Up

January 12, 2011

Dear Benjamin S Hauck:

We would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in the Empire State Building Run-Up Powered by the MMRF Preliminary Race scheduled to take place on Tuesday, February 1, 2011, at 9:00am.  The email you received yesterday was sent in error.

Unfortunately, due to space limitations and an extraordinary number of well-qualified athletes, we are unable to offer you a place in the 2011 NYRR Empire State Building Run-Up Invitational race.

The $50.00 entry fee will still apply.  You will receive an event medal and T-shirt and your time will be recorded under preliminary race in the race day results.

If you do not wish to participate in the preliminary race, please notify the Empire State Building Run-Up Team via e-mail at ESBRU@nyrr.org no later than Monday, January 17 and your payment will not be processed.  If you would like to participate in the preliminary race, no further action is required.

Best of luck,

2011 Empire State Building Run-Up Selection Committee

Details for Preliminary Event

Race-day check-in will take place only on Tuesday, February 1 at 8:00am.  You must enter the Empire State Building from the main entrance on Fifth Avenue between 33rd and 34th Streets.  There will be a security check point, so please be sure to bring photo ID.  At race check-in you will receive your race number, timing device and t-shirt.  You must securely attach the timing device to your shoe in order to be scored; it will be removed on the 86th floor after the Run-Up. If you do not have your timing device removed at the conclusion of the race, you will be charged $35.

Baggage check will NOT be available to transport your belongings to the 86th floor.  Please clearly mark your bag and leave it in the registration area on the second floor.  Please immediately return to the registration area after you complete the Run-Up to retrieve your bag.

Start time is exactly 9:00am. Men and women run this heat together.  We must start this race on time and will not wait for late arrivals.

Course Description: There are 1,576 steps for a total of 1050 feet in elevation.  The stair width is
40 inches and the length is 7.5 inches.  Each story has two flights of stairs, separated by a landing.  The length of a flight varies and there are six different flight patterns on the ascent. 

Water Stations will be available along the corridors on the 20th and 65th floors where you will change stairwells.  Please watch your footing at these locations to avoid slipping.

Passing during the race passing may be done on either side though it is customary to pass on the left. The runner being passed must not block the passing runner, as a safety precaution.

Stopping: If you wish to drop out of the race look for signs painted on the doors in the stairwells that will indicate the floor at which you can exit.  Once you exit, take an elevator to the ground floor and then use the appropriate elevator to the 80th floor to get to the observatory for medical attention, if necessary.

Finish: You will exit the stairwell on the 86th floor and cross diagonally through the door to the outdoor terrace.  You will run a quarter around the terrace to the finish.  Tape on the floor will mark the course.