Well, Next Year, Damnit.

From: Empire State Building Event
Date: January 11, 2011 4:41:28 PM EST
To: Benjamin S. Hauck
Subject: 2011 Empire State Building Run-Up Powered by the MMRF

January 11, 2011

Dear Benjamin S Hauck:

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place in the 2011 Empire State Building Run-Up Powered by the MMRF invitational race scheduled to take place on February 1, 2011.

We are excited to tell you that you can still participate in the 2011 Empire State Building Run-Up Powered by the MMRF through one of our Charity Partners, MMRF and Team for Kids. To find out more about joining the MMRF PowerTeam, please click here. To find out more about joining Team for Kids, please click here.

Thank you for your interest in this event and best of luck with your running and other efforts.


2011 Empire State Building Run-Up

Selection Committee

Definitely Fun Fun Run!

I rang in the New Year (2011) with the Emerald Nuts Midnight Run in Central Park. It’s my preferred method for ringing in the new year in NYC, and this year I ran it with Elizabeth. I even partook in the (fake) champagne on the 102nd Street Transverse!

I kept my running slow, with little spurts of sprinting and little challenges to Elizabeth, who was trailing me for a bit of the run. No particular pace for me meant FUN! Approaching the finish, I split from Elizabeth and picked up my pace a bit (a 6:48 final mile) before hitting a top-speed sprinting finish. Here are the deets:

It was 39 degrees but it felt really good, even though I was slightly underdressed for the event. The slush in Central Park was a little concern but I never slipped. I got to see NYRR’s Jono at the Champagne Station–he used to be my co-worker and he stations himself yearly at this location.

No official results for this fun run, just what my Garmin says. Here is a journalistic account of the evening, along with a video.

Despite Slower than NYC, I’m Happy to Have Learned Something!

This morning I was in Philadelphia to run the Philadelphia Marathon.

This was my second running of the race. Last year I achieved my marathon PR of 3:07:32, and this year I didn’t expect to achieve the same because my training just wasn’t as intense. I did, however, hope to do faster than my NYC Marathon time of 3:27:27, which I’d done just two weeks ago. I didn’t beat my NYC time, but I’m okay with that. My official Philadelphia finish time for 2010 was 3:29:39. I thought that because this was an easier course than NYC that I’d do better, but I didn’t probably because I only did one training run between NYC and Philly. My happiness after Philly is that I learned that that was probably the reason, and that training is important: Two weeks off from training can spell a significant diminishing of performance even if the race is easier.

Unofficial Race Stats per Garmin:

Garmin was a nice friend to have in this race. It showed that my early pace was pretty fast. I didn’t feel all that fast, interestingly enough, and for quite some time I had about a 4-minute lead on the 3:20 pace I was shooting for. Little by little my speed dropped, and so did that comfortable lead, until around Mile 16. On Falls Bridge, I noticed my comfy 4 minutes was down to 1:30, and I knew I probably would eat up that 1:30 in no time. (Also, Garmin started to show Low Battery and I thought I was going to lose my Garmin mid-race! It stayed alive.) Sure enough, I ate up that 1:30, and my speed started to drop so much that by the end, my last 4 full miles were super-9:00s. I just couldn’t get my body to go faster!

The course was similar to last year’s course and familiar to me, but there were a few changes like the inclusion of Falls Bridge, a reverse of directions on Kelly Drive, a divergence from Kelly Drive that I don’t remember, and a change to the area where you’d pick up your first Gu packets (if memory serves). My familiarity with the course was helpful, as I could anticipate hills and pick up some speed on them. Knowing the course also gave me something to look forward to. It’s a nice course.

Other than just not letting me run faster, my body cooperated pretty well. Post-race, I feel a lot better than I did after NYC, which drained me for days and left me with knee pain in my right knee which I felt pretty immediately. After today’s Philly race, my legs are a little tired but I have joy and energy back! I was a little clumsy trying to take a few steps of a jog, but stairs up and down weren’t that bad. My calves are a little tight and I have some chafing (I got one bloody nipple plus some undisclosed chafing); we’ll see how I am in the morning!

But the REALLY good news is that my girlfriend, Elizabeth Corkum qualified for Boston in her very first marathon! Elizabeth needed to run a 3:40, and instead she went and ran 3:32:33! Incredible! She was only about 2:30 behind me, so she nearly SPANKED me! I was so happy to see her when I was on the way back from Manayuck. She wasn’t injured and she looked strong, both of which made me relieved and happy!