
This morning I ran Boomer’s Cystic Fibrosis Run to Breathe 10K in Central Park. It was 68 degrees at the start and cooler than the last few days, but the 93% humidity and hard sunlight made that temperature no piece of cake. I only had a very rough goal of doing sub-8:00s or under 50 minutes, and I did those better. I pulled off this 10K in 46:51, managing 7:34s.

What’s funny to me is that 7:34s is exactly one minute per mile slower than what I was running back in late April! I pulled off 6:34s in a race only a few months ago.

However, I am getting stronger. I still am carrying about 3 more lbs. of weight than I’d like, but it’s been a good week for fitness. That I ran 8+ yesterday probably didn’t help my speed today, but the race atmosphere compensated by giving me some decent splits. I got in a sprint at the end … and just inside the sixth mile my “totem,” Ming, zipped by. I laughed out loud! He shows up in my races at the funniest times.

Elizabeth ran the race, too. I think this is the first time she actually beat me. “Creamed” is probably a more appropriate term. She managed 43:07, or 6:58s. She had a tough race herself, but still it was an impressive job.

Here are my unofficial Garmin stats. Photos will hopefully but up in a few weeks on my Photos page.