Holy Cramp!

Today I ran the ING New York City Marathon. It is my fifth running of the race. I ran it in 3:13:49* (7:24s), which is a new PR for me for this marathon. My prior PR for the NYC Marathon was 3:27:27, set last year. I shaved off 13:38 from last year’s time.

* Update11/7/2011: This is the official time. Yesterday, the unofficial time was reported as 3:13:50.

To view my splits and pace, visit http://trackmyrunners.ingnycmarathon.org and click Select Runners then find “Benjamin Hauck.” Then click my name to show my results.

Here are my Unofficial Garmin Stats:

First off, what ideal weather. The start was around 46 degrees, and the race warmed up only to about 52 degrees by the time I finished a minute shy of 1pm. The sky was sunny and the wind was light, except at a few points like on the Queensboro Bridge (crosswind), as well as when I was coming back into Manhattan from the Bronx (headwind). I wore a thin running singlet, shorts, and compression socks, and I was comfortable without ever feeling cold. I tolerate cold really well and even get warm really easily. Note that last year it started around 41 degrees and I did the whole race shirtless!

My first half of the race was quite impressive to me. I started only about 36 or so seconds after the gun went off, which made it easier to interpret my progress as the clock went on. I managed to pull off a half-marathon in 1:29:15, which probably is my second fastest known half-marathon time. (I probably did a half faster in the Philly Marathon 2009, but I don’t know the time.) By that time in the race my pace was 6:49, creeping up very slowly from a 6:40 5K pace. After the half was done, that’s when my energy started to change and my pace more noticeably crept up. I didn’t hit a 7:10 pace until Mile 22 was done, which is still quite respectable to me and had I kept that pace up, I would have finished with a 3:10 marathon or better. However, knowing I had some long, slow grades ahead of me on 5th Ave. and in Central Park, I didn’t think I’d be able to sustain my pace to achieve my goal.

Plus, I was dealing with calf cramps. I’ve never dealt with cramping in my calves before–my first real post-run experience of them was after a long training run about a month or so ago when I was lying in my bed and my left calf went into a 45-second lockdown. The pain was so paralyzing I yelled to my roommate for help!

In today’s marathon, I was afraid full cramp lockdown would happen. Here and there the during the 22nd mile (and possibly sooner–I don’t recall), each of my calves would “grab” a bit as if they were about to contract into a race-stopping cramp. To compensate, I only did what I could think of: I kept my toes and feet pointed up to counteract the movement of the cramp, which surely would have rendered my feet pointed down and stuck. This strategy worked, but it didn’t leave me feeling very secure. From what I know of cramps, they are the result of low potassium and/or the imbalance of electrolytes in my body, so I realized I also needed to get Gatorade into my system. Gatorade was available every mile but I wasn’t confident it would help me. I’d already had what I thought were plenty of electrolytes in my system from having a PowerGel every 5 miles, then eventually every 4 miles. I’d also consumed some Gatorade along the way. Whatever the case, whatever I did was not enough. (Given that my PowerGels had about 50mg of caffeine in them, maybe I was dehydrated by the caffeine?) I did escape the race without either of my legs making it into full cramp, but because of the threat of full cramp (especially when going uphill), I really couldn’t push myself harder for fear of disaster. (An afterthought was to take a banana that was being offered along the latter part of the course. Bananas are known to combat cramping because of their potassium content.)

Fortunately disaster was averted by the time I saw Elizabeth waiting to see me at the “Half-Mile to Go” sign across from 210 Central Park South. I’d looked forward to this for a while, especially as I entered the park, and fortunately we connected hands as I passed her by with a serious expression on my face. I emotionally broke down a moment after passing her, likely the result of seeing someone out there I knew was supporting me. She said I looked strong at this point in the race.

My goal for this race was to run NYC in sub-3:10. Around this point I knew I wouldn’t achieve that, so the point became to see just how fast I would finish. I didn’t push myself very hard upon re-entering Central Park, going only as fast as I could before I felt cramping. It was nice to see, though, that I was going to finish below 3:14. Something about finishing in the 3:13 range to me seems fast, while 3:14 seems somewhat slower. 3:13:49 is what I got.

I emotionally broke down only for a second or two, two or three times on the walk after the finish line. My mood, though, was upbeat and happy, which was indicative for me that I was healthy in running this race. My body felt pretty decent, actually. As I sit here typing this entry at nearly 6pm, 5 hours after I finished, my body is in really great shape. There were no noticeable blisters or chafing. I do have some specific groin pain (probably from the 3+ hours of pounding), and I have a little bit of “diaper rash.” But apart from that, I walked to a restaurant for dinner pretty comfortably and my spirits are still with me. (We’ll see how I am in the morning!) I lost somewhere around 8 lbs. in this race. I started at 176, and when I weighed myself at home I was around 170-171, after having consumed about 2.5 beverages.

I’m pretty happy with how I did. While I didn’t manage a sub-3:10, I did make a major improvement in my NYC PR. I also beat my Boston Marathon time from earlier this year (3:15:16). Today is the second-fastest marathon I’ve run, and probably the hardest course I’ve run.

In two weeks, I run the Philadelphia Marathon 2011. My original goal was to run a sub-3:00. After today and considering how I did last year (I did both last year, too), I’m not really sure I can swing a sub-3:00, even though Philly is a pretty flat course. Instead, my goal is to beat my PR for Philly, which is also my Overall PR (3:07:32). I think I’m within striking range. However, I still have to train. Let’s see how the training holds up. Tune in in a couple weeks!

Your Application for Entry Into the 2012 Boston Marathon

Dear Benjamin:

Thank you for submitting your application for entry into the 2012 Boston Marathon. Regrettably, we are unable to accept your application due to field size limitations and the large number of applications we received from qualified runners.

Name of Applicant Gender Age on 4-16-2012 Submitted Qualifying Time
Benjamin Hauck M 36 3:15:16

Entries from applicants in your age group were accepted through and including the time 3:13:46.

For this first time and in preparation for next year’s Boston Marathon, the B.A.A. implemented a new registration process which was not first come, first served, but rather allowed for a more systematic and orderly application procedure.

Qualifying performances achieved on or after Saturday, September 24, 2011 will be valid for 2013 registration. The 117th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 15, 2013. However, please note the qualifying standards for the 2013 Boston Marathon have been tightened by five minutes for each age group. To see the new standards, click here.

We appreciate your commitment to your own running, and we encourage you to continue your pursuit of running in a future Boston Marathon.

Boston Athletic Association


Today I ran the Fifth Avenue Mile. I pulled off a 5:21 in this 1-mile race. While this is 2 seconds slower than my PR for this race (set 2 years ago), I’m 2 years older and my age grade percentage actually went up slightly. So in some respects, while I was 2 seconds slower, I was slightly more competitive for my age.

If it weren’t for the humidity and probably the warmth, I probably would have had a PR. The temperature was above 70 degrees with nearly 100% humidity (at 8:45am it was 73 with 87% humidity, and my heat was at 10:30am), which undoubtedly hindered my performance but fortunately not in a cardiovascularly obvious way. That is, the humidity didn’t seem to bother my body much, even though training evidence suggests it slows me down. I probably felt a little slower than I’ve felt on runs in the park of recent, but my time is respectable for me and probably the fastest I’ve run for this distance all year.

The race was not without some surprises. In the heat before me, the announcer noted right after the start that someone had lost his shoe–how could that be?! We laughed. When my heat started, I almost my shoe! How it almost happened to me was that I was basically at the front and decided to start not-full-speed. This meant sprinters behind me wanted to plow over me. This meant that I had someone step on the back of my shoe, which was just loose enough, which was also traveling forward, which meant I could have pulled the foot right out of my shoe. Fortunately, that didn’t happen! In the last quarter, as I was speeding up toward the finish on the west side of the avenue, a runner decides to high-five an audience member … by steering right in front of me. NOT COOL. I pushed his back at probably a sacrifice of strength, speed, and maybe a second of time (probably not 2 seconds). Word to the foolish: Don’t do that. Especially not in such a fast race, amongst such fast finishers, near the finish line, and without looking. I equate you with a terrorist given how some people train for these kinds of things.

I didn’t bring my Garmin so I don’t have any stats. I did, however, plot out a rough strategy. I decided to take the advice and resist sprinting full speed out of the gate. When you’re at the start line, you actually can gaze down 5th Avenue to see where the uphill begins at 74th St. That is, you can see the downhill ahead of you. It’s like a siren’s song: You want to just fly down it. But after two prior races and other advice about this race, I knew I should resist the urge. So, I let a lot of men fly by me with the decision I’d reel them in later in the race.

I also strategized that in order to do a 5:20, I had to mount the hill (i.e., hit the 1/2-mile mark) at 2:40. When I did that, I thought, Awesome, I’m going to set a PR! I thought this because I was going to speed up for the last 1/2 mile, which is a slight, advantageous downhill.

For some reason, the strategy didn’t completely work. I essentially ended up with pretty even 1/2-miles in finishing in 5:21. What I don’t get is that I didn’t expend all my energy in the first 1/2-mile, so I should have had more than enough energy left for the second 1/2-mile, no? Maybe that guy who cut in front of me had something to do with it! 🙂

I did put my all into this race. This year, I raced using a 2x caffeine PowerGel (about 50 mg of caffeine, that equates to), which I consumed with a cup of water about 30 minutes before the race. Given that I put my all into this race – and that I didn’t get to train more specifically for this race given a back spasm from a couple weeks ago – I am pretty satisfied with today’s results. It also shows me that I’m at about the same state of fitness as I was in 2009 when I qualified for the Boston Marathon in Philly, running a 3:07:32. That year, I even had to take about a month off from training due to injury. Today, the only injury I had was a slighly bruised-feeling left Achilles which was not a factor in the race. (I chose to forego aspirin, too, FYI.)

Here are photos from the race. I’ll have a finish video up eventually in the Photos section of this blog – Elizabeth’s boyfriend (who was attending to watch her 5:46 finish!) shot it and will get it to me. Below is a video from the overall race, which is pretty cool.

Watch live streaming video from nyrr at livestream.com