Registration for the Philadelphia Marathon 2011

I just registered for the Philadelphia Marathon 2011.  Note that it happens 2 weeks after the NYC Marathon 2011 that I’ll be running.  I’ve set as my goal time for Philly 2:59:59–that is, a sub-3:00 marathon.

Here is my confirmation:

Registration Confirmation for:


Congratulations! You are now registered for Philadelphia Marathon Weekend. Please check the event’s official website for updates:

This confirms your registration for the MARATHON!

Race start: 22nd & Benjamin Franklin Parkway (Art Museum area)

Marathon & Half Marathon Sunday, November 20th at 7:00 a.m.

The Philadelphia Marathon Committee wishes you the best in your training. If you have any questions, please visit our website at

Good luck with your training and we’ll see you in November!

Takin’ It Easy

Things have been going well in my life.  I’ve been dedicating myself to completing long-standing, major projects.  I’ve learned that the preponderance of major projects in my life bog down my life and interfere with each project’s completion.  Furthemore, they all basically render my acting career impotent.  So this summer I’m taking time to knock out some long-standing and time-consuming projects so that I can liberate my life and feel happier again.

How does that connect with today’s race?  Since the last race, I haven’t run at all.  This is because I’ve been focused on completing these projects.  The process has been good so far, and it’s not surprising that today’s 4-miler in Central Park was so slow for me.  I managed probably a little better than I expected, though I could tell my cardiovascular system wasn’t conditioned.  No matter, though: I decided I’d bike to the race today (giving myself a bit more exercise in this beautiful weather this morning) and I biked back, too, as a soft entrance to bringing fitness back into my life.  It is about this time that I planned on phasing running and training into my life.

In today’s weather–which was about 64 degrees, sunny, with comfortable humidity–I did 4 miles in 30:04 (7:31) for the inaugural NYRR Celebrate Israel Run.  I managed to pull off a really fast sprinting finish that pulled ahead of a ton of people in the last leg.  That was the fun part of this race.  It looks as if photos will be coming soon.  Here are my unofficial Garmin results.

Unofficial Garmin Results

Upcoming Races

I went ahead and entered several upcoming races.  Here’s what’s on my plate in the coming months:

NYRR Celebrate Israel Run presented by JCRCNY – 4-Miler – Sunday, June 5, 2011

Portugal Day – 5-Miler – Sunday, June 19, 2011

Achilles Hope & Possibility – 5-Miler – Sunday, June 26, 2011

Boomer’s Cystic Fibrosis Run to Breathe – 10K – Saturday, July 9, 2011

Central Park Conservancy Run for Central Park – 4-Miler – Saturday, July 16, 2011

Queens Half-Marathon – 13.1 Miles – Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fifth Avenue Mile – 1-Miler – Saturday, September 24, 2011

Phew!  Now these miniature runs will keep me motivated as I close in on the Big Kahuna: The New York City Marathon 2011!

Stay tuned to see if I decide to do the Philadelphia Marathon 2011 … or other races?!?!