Not a “Race” Per Se

This morning I did the Portugal Day 5-Miler in Central Park. In 71-degree weather with 63% humidity, the conditions felt good and felt warmer as the race went on. I finished in 39:24, or 7:53s.

Obviously, these aren’t the kind of results you’d expect from someone who qualified again for Boston by doing Boston just two months ago. These results are the result of sitting for hours and hours of late as I tweak code for website designs I’ve been working on. My lack of cardiovascular support was to be expected.

Because of that, I didn’t set my sites on any very high goals. I roughly aimed to do 8:00s, but more in my mind was to not race, and instead just run, and run slow at that. I think I achieved those goals as I didn’t get competitive with other runners and I let floods of people pass me. I did get out one of my famous sprinting finishes, fists pumping like a machine and all.

My Garmin died just before the race, probably the result of missing the charging contacts. I wasn’t upset, though. In fact, a lack of Garmin may have helped me stay focused on my non-competitive goals. Here are manually entered stats:

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