I rang in the New Year (2011) with the Emerald Nuts Midnight Run in Central Park. It’s my preferred method for ringing in the new year in NYC, and this year I ran it with Elizabeth. I even partook in the (fake) champagne on the 102nd Street Transverse!
I kept my running slow, with little spurts of sprinting and little challenges to Elizabeth, who was trailing me for a bit of the run. No particular pace for me meant FUN! Approaching the finish, I split from Elizabeth and picked up my pace a bit (a 6:48 final mile) before hitting a top-speed sprinting finish. Here are the deets:
It was 39 degrees but it felt really good, even though I was slightly underdressed for the event. The slush in Central Park was a little concern but I never slipped. I got to see NYRR’s Jono at the Champagne Station–he used to be my co-worker and he stations himself yearly at this location.
No official results for this fun run, just what my Garmin says. Here is a journalistic account of the evening, along with a video.