:24 Down to :02

Now I have NON-RESPONSIVE legs! Ha! Today’s 10.01 miles over Queensboro Bridge and around Central Park was quite the contrast from yesterday’s shorter run. My legs just didn’t want to go as fast as they wanted to yesterday! No worries, though, since I probably didn’t load up on enough carbs to carry me fast for long. And lest I forget, I did do what is becoming the notoriously slow path of from-my-home, over-the-bridge, down-East-60th. I did the distance in 7:43s, which isn’t great, but it was 71 degrees which felt on the verge of warm, and my calves and ankles were pretty sore from running about 38.5 miles over the last 3 days. Here are the deets:

The highlight of this run was a small Asian guy who passed me on Great Hill. His physique suggested he was a much better runner than me. He got some uncatchable distance from me. Before that point, a tall possibly Indian runner passed me, who didn’t look all that better than me but was putting on a good show. I thought it was lost to reach both of them. THEN, though, they looked strikeable.

I set my mind to catching them. First, I timed in my head how many seconds it took me to reach the Asian fellow’s landmark. That is, he’d pass a pole, and I’d count how many seconds it would take me to reach that landmark. First measure? 24 seconds. Second measure? About 21 seconds. I kept lowering my measures. Over the course, the Indian fellow didn’t catch the Asian fellow, dropping out before he had a chance to. But I kept closing in on the Asian fellow. I was doing this intentionally. I wanted to see if I might possibly be able to pass him.

And sure enough, I got darn close. At one point, I was within 2 seconds of him. He was right there. But I was also picturing how much I had to keep up this huffy pace in order to stay in front of him. My will just wasn’t there, so I pulled back and slowed down. I did make an impressive catch-up, though, and over the course of a mile or so, I nearly caught the guy. Fun! This all happened in the 8th and 9th miles, starting just south of the Reservoir. I was doing somewhere between a 7:00 and a 7:21.

Man, my calves hurt, my ankles here, and my Achilles hurts, too. I’ve really pushed myself. And I’m thinking of doing candlelight yoga in the park tonight to get my stretch on. I’m not planning on running tomorrow, instead resting my body and prepping it for another long week on set. I’m having Oglio & Aglio with Chicken right now, plus a Double Berry Protein Zone Naked Juice to get up the glycogen stores that were probably depleted for today’s run, and build muscle. But all in all, it was another beautiful day in Central Park, and what a gorgeous, gorgeous weekend. Cheers!

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