Pushing Myself with the Breathing to Show It

Today I was hoping to do 8 but I did 6.27 miles, which was alright, because I felt like pushing myself and doing 6.27 in pushing myself today is just right.

I did 7:10s for 45:03. Not as good as a couple days ago, but today was 74, more than 10 degrees warmer. Despite the warmth and relatively slower speed, I felt pretty fast. I am surprised I did Great Hill in 7:47 because I thought it was more around 7:30, but whatevs. Humidity was a negligible 50% or so, but the sun was bright and made it warm enough for me to sweat quickly. Here are the deets:

Good thing to report is that my plantar facsiitis on my left foot was not there today. Yesterday I wore OthroSlippers around for much of the day–maybe that had something to do with it. My breathing was pretty heavy and intense for this run–I tried to keep it rapid and not get comfortable, and that seemed to help. Overall, I felt pretty good: A little lumbering and heavy, but better than yesterday when I actually went to Central Park, ran for about a minute, then turned around and went home. Part of that was that plantar fasciitis was affecting my stride; part of it was something deep inside saying to me, “Don’t.”

But today it was “Do!” I’m feeling good.

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