A Gorgeous Day for a (Long) Run

Yea! Wonderful weather greeted me on my long run this week (actually, my second long run if you want to get technical). The tropical storm Earl blew somewhere into the area yesterday and all we really got were residual winds today. It was sunny with partly cloudy skies, a nice shelter occasionally from the sun (but I still ended up with a funny waistline tan). Temperature? About 71 getting up to 72 with only about 37% humidity. I did 16 miles in 2:03:39, or 7:43s. And Garmin said I burned, get this, 2,222 calories! My scale said I lost 8 lbs, getting back down to 170. Here are the deets:

Today’s run presented mostly mental tests. My brain first had trouble figuring out how it wanted to put together the recommended 15-miler today. Once I settled on doing 3 lesser loops in Central Park, and finishing where Garmin says 16 miles, my next struggle was not to stop at doing simply 10 miles today. I also struggled with stamina a little. My choice method for getting over those thoughts was the “shrink & blow away” method: I shrink the thought down to the size of a period, then I blow it away, freeing my mind up for what is presently before me. It is such a helpful trick for getting past upsetting thoughts!

The only people who passed me were people who abandoned their runs or turned off soon after passing me. That was 2, maybe 3 men. My legs felt decent–nothing really to complain about. I tried out some new Nike running socks I picked up because I’d been running out of socks. They felt fine and were supposed to give midfoot support a little bit, and I just remembered, Actually, I felt some plantar discomfort. I will have to keep track of that and manage it: It really got me last year. So far I’ve logged 59.04 miles this week … one more day to go! I think if I do really much more, I’ll have set a record weekly mileage for myself. However, pacewise, I’m really off from last year, when around this time I was doing 10-milers in 6:50ishes. I want to focus on pace soon.

Ice bath after, plus Nake Juice Protein Zone. And some fiber bars.