Keeping with the theme of ugly feelings during runs, I’ve titled today’s entry “BLAH” because it wasn’t pretty. I had all the ambition to go 10.5 miles today (2 sans loops), but I only ended up doing 5.4 paltry miles. Cloudy again, the temperature was 72 but the humidity was 92%, making it muggy and much worse than yesterday’s weather. Plus, I felt pretty poor, apparently not adequately recovered from yesterday’s run. Here are the humiliating deets for today:

Last night I slept in my black recovery compression socks. This morning I did a 10-minute total body Pilates routine before heading out at 6:30am. I kept on the socks, which might have heated me up a little more than I liked. I also ate a Gatorade bar on the go. During the run, I felt like yesterday only worse: dragging, not going very fast, etc. I could tell that 2 loops were not looking feasible. So I stopped after my first loop.

I’m trying to get my priorities straightened out. I have what is looking like a lot of work and especially focus to do if I want to achieve my goals. I’m operating mentally “behind” and focusing may help me get on top of things. It’s a good life but one I’m not coordinating adequately.

Part of the trouble is the inability to appropriately manage my energy. Take today for instance: I have an 11:30am calltime for a film with 2 wardrobe to wear. I have no earthly idea if today will be a short or long day. I have no idea if I’ll be out by 2:30pm or 1am. You can see how it’s hard to manage my energy. Expend it now? Expend it later? Conserve it now? Conserve it later?

Then, factor in that I don’t know if I have work for tomorrow, and if I have it, I don’t know the calltime until maybe 10pm. In such a case, I could end up with a 6am calltime, and again the energy management debate begins anew. It’s very tiring. 3 hours of sleep one day, then a demanding training schedule, on top of an unpredictable acting schedule, and you have spelled “CHALLENGING LIFESTYLE.”

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