The New Standard?

I like running two “sans loops” in Central Park. Remember that “sans loop” is my term for a loop without Great Hill. I did two sans loops today, totaling a mileage of 10.52. In 85-degree weather with 50% humidity, over that distance I ran 7:25s (not bad!), which I accomplished in 1:18:09. My splits were generally around the 7:30 range, with some exceptionally fast miles coming in at 7:05 and 7:04. (The first may have been a hiccup after hitting stop to go on a bathroom break.) And I did 8.0 miles in 59:28, by my watch. Here are the deets, which I’m posting late because I forgot to do my blog entry before bed:

Nothing injury-related to report, though earlier today in new shoes I felt a twinge in my left foot, roughly equivalent to plantar fasciitis pain. We’ll see about that and those shoes!

I had hoped to get this run out yesterday, but much to my dismay, I downloaded a horrible virus on my computer and ended up pissing away my free time on a pricy tech support call that culminated in the recommendation to back up what files I can and reinstall the operating system tomorrow. I did all the time-intense backup as I passed out, and I got up early this morning to commence the dreaded reinstall. Fortunately, though, the tech support technician was able to make a relatively easy fix and get around the problem. And I was able to get some of the tech support charges refunded! Not to mention, many of my files backed up.

So life and crisis got in the way of yesterday’s training, which I just bumped to today. I used Gatorade’s 01 bars in the last couple days, and notably just before today’s run. VERY TASTY! And I used Gatorade’s 03 vanilla protein shake after today’s run. Also pretty tasty. Also had a protein shake of my own concoction, but I couldn’t drink the whole blasted thing. Did I mention drinking a lot of coconut water, too? God, I love that stuff cold. (I was drenched in sweat after today’s run.)

Still on Naproxen 500, which I’m avoiding taking before my runs. Have a few more days to go on that. And I’m wearing my compression socks to bed. In the meantime, I’m wondering, Can I make 10.5 miles my new standard? It’s fun to run.

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