Bugs Are Attracted to My Purdy Mouth

Just shy of running 16 miles this evening in Central Park. I did 3 “sans loops”–that is, full loops sans Great Hill. I even added the East Drive feeder entrance to the park as my finish! But I only ended with 15.98. No worries, though, because my training schedule recommended 15 miles.

I ran 7:46s for 2:04:10. It seems I’m close to my level of training last year, only it’s a bit hard to compare because I had generally faster times last year but also better temperatures. Tonight’s 76 apparently had about 70% humidity but honestly it felt pretty cool the whole way. It wasn’t one of those miserably humid days but quite nice. Here are tonight’s deets:

My body was fairly cooperative, only barely feeling a grabbing sensation in my left ankle. But anywhere from 3 to 7 bugs entered my mouth during this run. I was hocking up a storm, not always because of bugs but sometimes. I stopped a few times for water and consumed on 1x caffeine PowerGel, which did seem to kick in. My splits were a little up and down though I generally felt fast; it’s interesting when it’s dark that I feel faster than sometimes my Garmin reveals.

At home, I took a weak ice bath (I made it wrong, adding the ice while the water was running–warming the ice–but also not having enough water to cover my full legs). I also had one of my better protein smoothies, figuring out that I need to have the soft ingredients at the bottom of my amazing blender and the hard ingredients near the top. Now I feel I’ve mastered it! I also had some refreshing coconut water, and I’m continuing to crave it.

As I’m typing this, I’m now eating Haagen-Dazs Cranberry Blueberry sorbet. Pretty yummy. I theoretically earned it; I burned over 2,200 calories in tonight’s run!

2 thoughts on “Bugs Are Attracted to My Purdy Mouth”

  1. Hi there. I drink Vita Coco exclusively. My grocery store has it and another brand (Is it called One?) but I’ve always insisted on getting Vita Coco. I really crave it after my long runs of 12 miles and more, especially in this hot summer we’ve been having in NYC.

    I have just been eating Haagen-Dazs Blueberry Cranberry sorbet by itself. Great flavor! Plus, much fewer calories than other Haagen-Dazs treats I enjoy.

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