A Chase!

I passed a guy at the base of Great Hill who looked as if he was about to start a run. Based on his legs, I could tell he was a superior runner. I guessed he was going just to do hill work. However, I was wrong. As I climbed Great Hill, he eventually overtook me. A quarter-mile later, I caught him and overtook him. A quarter-mile later, he caught me and overtook me. I came within striking distance of him over the next mile and a quarter, but eventually he got ahead of me as I turned off for a water fountain. The guy I chased helped me to run one mile at 6:51, and another mile at 6:44. This, in 86-degree weather, fortunately with humidity around 30%. (It felt a little more humid than that, but a wind did cool things some.) I did 6.28 miles today in Central Park in 45:53 (7:18s), my second-fastest time over that distance this year. The fastest distance was in 74-degree weather. Here are today’s deets:

No injuries at all, though just as I was leaving my apartment, I felt some twinging in my left knee around where the IT band problem I had was. Nothing developed though.

And I thought of doing 8 miles, even 10 miles today. Given my speed, I figured that was a good enough workout for today.

There you have it!