With a Little Help from Mother Nature

YEA! I pulled off 20.04 miles today. The weather was RAD: between 78 and 82 degrees with probably about 30% humidity (basically, no noticeable humidity). I was under the afternoon’s most intense light. And I felt pretty darn good. Here are the deets:

I did 3 loops of Central Park plus the lower loop to achieve my 20.04. My time was nothing special: 2:48:22, which equated to 8:24s. My splits were slower in the first loop than in the later loop, attributable to what is becoming a serious slowness factor: listening to my beloved podcast On the Media from NPR. As soon as it finishes the the music kicks in, my speed picks up.

As for injuries, nothing to report. My left calf was feeling even better, and I had no ankle issues. I’m starting to point my foot as a possible way to build muscles that might be relatively weak, relative, that is, to the muscles engaged in my more regular calf stretches to guard against shin splits. The idea is that I impinge my capsule with calf stretches (“dangling off a curb by my toes”), so pointing my foot will “un-impinge” my capsule.

After my run, I bounded down the subway stairs with noticeable confidence, not experiencing the sensitivity I usually experience over runs much shorter than today’s. I then went to the grocery store to buy ice. Why? ICE BATH! I heard they can be very helpful, so I thought after this long distance that I’d try it. I was in for 8 minutes and, boy, was getting in intense. But once I was in, I just had to deal with shivering for a rather short amount of time. I hope it pays off.

I am on naproxen 500 for a little bit to deal with a jaw issue, but I decided not to take the NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) before today’s long run because of possible contraindications related to electrolyte imbalancing, renal issues, and heart attack. Thanks, Mom, for reminding me of the potential conflict!

I’m in pretty good spirits after today’s run. I didn’t loose that much weight, but then again I didn’t seem to sweat incredibly. I ended up with salt around my eyes. I consumed two PowerGels over the course of this run, and maybe I should have had a third. I drank what seemed like a lot of water on this run, but I still ended up thirsty. I found that strange, but maybe it was because of the intense sun? Who knows. All I know is I’m done and I’m gonna take a shower now!