Takin’ It Slow

I got back to running today. Although I did the Queens Half-Marathon on Saturday, that was the last time I ran, and this 3-day hiatus from running felt so long that I felt I was starting over. Why such a hiatus? Yet another brutal acting schedule. Sunday I rested, Monday wasn’t so bad but I couldn’t get in a run, then Tuesday I worked 15 hours, on few calories because I skipped lunch to go to an audition plus I have inflammation in my jaw that limiting my ability to open my mouth (so I was zonked!), then I could only get 4 hours of sleep before today’s call. Fortunately, though, I was wrapped early, made up my lack of sleep in the afternoon, then got out for a “take it easy” 8.12 miles.

My left calf felt a bit better today. It hasn’t hurt much today, though after my run, when I stretched it, I felt it was still a bit sore. My ankles were (probably) a bit still/sensitive toward the beginning of this run but they never made me buckle.

The heat was moderate. The temperature was 86 with about 50% humidity, which equated to being and feeling warm but not excrutiatingly so. In fact, it felt a little cooler than other days. Despite the relative coolness, I didn’t push myself. I realized during my run that I’ve basically been burned out because my life has been very demanding–much more demanding than last year. I’ve deprogrammed running on days I should be running, and I’ve also been left without time, quick turnarounds, lack of ability to rest, and brutal heat. It’s a tough year!

I also thought that maybe I’ve been playing it a bit too easy. I’ve been guarding against any kind of injury this year, though I thought maybe I could “risk injury” a bit more. It’s a change of thinking that may push me a bit more. I think I’m getting behind in my training, or really can if I don’t start stepping up as I move into August. Remember: I want to break 5 minutes in the 5th Avenue Mile in September, so I had best step something up!