Cooler, Faster, Stronger, Early!

It’s been a punishing week this week. I started off this week with a night shoot into morning with me on my feet most of the night, then followed with a gig that next day after 4 hours of sleep, then a gig with an early calltime and another day mostly on my feet, but in the heat, humidity, and business suits. I even had an audition then a callback in the only potential time zones of availability, just ruining my opportunities for training runs. With a somewhat later calltime, this morning I eked out a run before work, and although I have been unable to run this week in light of my work schedule, I went really fast! I managed 7:12s, a considerable improvement in my time with pretty even splits. Here are the deets:

It helped that it felt considerably cooler today. The temperature was 74 and humidity was negligible (about 60%) with a cool wind in the morning sunshine. No one passed me today and I blazed through the park in 45:19, over a minute faster than my fastest time over this distance this year (set a month ago). I had set out to do 8+ miles but the urgency of going to the bathroom made me reconsider.

As for pains, my left ankle got that stabbing feeling in the very beginning of my run, and interestingly enough, it was when I was fiddling with my mp3 player. This is leading me to believe that when I get distracted when running, I improve my chances of experiencing that pain, possibly because my balance changes and the forces redistribute on that ankle, triggering the problem. And my left calf is a big pain. It wasn’t a pain when running, but it has been extremely tight since the last run. It’s as if I ripped some muscle and it’s healed and now I’m tighter. I seem to have more flexibility with it but it’s still painful to do a calf stretch on that leg.

Anyway, that’s it! I’m hoping to score a pasta dinner tonight and maybe tomorrow night before an upcoming half-marathon!

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