Calf Cramp, Swarms, and 17.57 Miles, Oh My!

A calf cramp and running through a few swarms of evening insects didn’t stop my long run today. This evening I did 17.57 miles in Central Park in an evenly paced 2:23:10 (8:09s). The temperature for the first loop was 89, which eventually diminished to 86. It felt like almost no heat at all, though, because the humidity was around 35%. Here are the deets:

Inside the 11th mile, I developed some pain in my left calf. At first it felt like the calf injury I sustained recently creeping back up on me. It actually got me to stop to stretch it (Ouch!), then stop soon after to stretch it (Ouch!). While I considered dropping out of my run after the second lap, instead I treated this injury as a mental test to endure 18 miles (well, my 17.57) despite it. I invented a term for this kind of endurance: “despit endurance.” “Despit endurance” means “enduring despite something.” In this case, calf pain.

Other than that, and some mouth-filling swarms, the run in the evening had nothing notable to report. I ran after a 3-hour nap that came for whatever reason. I did two loops and my third loop was sans Great Hill. I finished at the light pole on the feeder entrance to the park. Over the course of the run, I stopped a nice amount of times to fill up on water. I didn’t weigh myself before my run, but after my run I weighed just about 169 lbs. I probably dropped about 6 lbs. today. And Garmin said I burned 2,440 calories in today’s run. I think for me that’s about a day’s worth of calories.

Tomorrow looks like a rest day. I will probably need it.