Running in Calm Hell

98 degrees.
98 degrees.
98 degrees.
But I did it.

Today I got through Central Park in late afternoon heat in a pretty decent time. I did one loop (6.33 miles) in 48:54, which considering the heat is pretty rockstar, in my opinion. I had set out to do 8+ miles, but rather suddenly just before finishing my loop my body started tanking. Also, around that time, I was getting cramps in my left ribcage, which was signalling me that maybe I had lost potassium and needed some. All day I was wanting to the run in this heat, and my only sadness is that it didn’t happen in 102-degree heat. But I was stuck on set, so what can I say.

Other than the heat, nothing much else to report. My right ankle/leg is still limpy when I start runs, but it adjusts during the run and is fine. I also caught a guy who had passed me in his running gloves or whatever those toey running shoes are called. I stopped for water twice.

Oh: And this is my first NYC Marathon training run! Training started yesterday with a day off. 🙂

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