I’m Rachel.

I’m an Autoimmune Health and Nutrition Coach.

Let’s get you back to living an empowered and healthy life you love.

Rachel Venokur

My Autoimmune Story

I was in high school when I was first introduced to chronic pain. A Hematologist diagnosed my 1st autoimmune condition.

I was 25 years old when an Endocrinologist took one look at me and diagnosed me without even needing the blood work to prove it. Diagnosis number 2.

At 32 years old, after getting a biopsy, a Dermatologist diagnosed my 3rd autoimmune condition.

I lived in constant pain. The joint and muscle pain made it hard to open jars and hold a pen. I was so exhausted that taking a shower used up all my energy on some days. I felt hopeless, alone, depressed, and anxious of what would come next. I spent years trying new meds and still felt sick. I knew there must be something we were missing.

At 40 a Gastroenterologist diagnosed me with my 4th autoimmune disease. It was a vicious cycle.

Had I not been a vegan since my early 20’s and vegetarian for 8 years before that, I know, without a doubt, my symptoms would have been worse. Doctors agree that even the smallest diet changes can make a huge difference in your pain and inflammation, and in preventative care.

It is because of my own health journey, and all that I have learned along the way, that I know I can help you. I have gained a huge arsenal of tools and I know that somewhere in my tool box is something that can help you.

Since 2008, I have helped 100’s of clients have a profound impact on their pain, energy, and mental health.

Young Rachel

Me … before being diagnosed with 4 autoimmune conditions.

I still love to dance.

Currently living in NYC with my husband Ben and our cat Jasper.

My Work

What I do.

I specialize in alternative approaches that empower clients to intuitively reclaim their physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. Feel less pain, more energy, less anxiety and overwhelm, and more in control of your health with easy-to-implement, tangible tools and habit change.

Who I work with.

I work with people who are struggling to cope with autoimmune health conditions. These people are ready to take back their health, ready to learn new coping skills, and ready thrive in life again. ReNew Coaching is also for anyone looking to clean up their diet in order to build health, immunity, and vitality from the inside out.

How I am different.

My unique ReNew Coaching programs use a combination of a more plant-focused diet for a clear mind and body, and practical mindfulness techniques to deal with the emotional components of living with a chronic condition—techniques like meditation, journaling, creative healing arts therapy, and Human Design.

Building your team.

I work in conjunction with my client’s team of doctors, therapists, and other practitioners.

My training.

Since 2008, I have received training in over 100 different dietary theories, functional nutrition, Eastern and Western nutrition, chronic health issues, personal self-growth and development, therapeutic arts, and transformational coaching. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients who were able to learn their triggers and control the occurrence and intensity of their flares.

Why I understand you.

I have lived with autoimmune health conditions for over 25 years. I have felt the hopelessness, anxiety, and pain. I have felt alone in the fight. I have spent years desperately seeking answers and methods that would have an impact on my health and help me cope. I learned how to advocate for myself and for others, and I am now armed with an arsenal of tools for you.


Rachel Venokur is a Board Certified Holistic Health, Nutrition, and Wellness Practitioner since 2008.

Studied at:

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition

The Nutritious Life Studio

Health Coach Institute

Board Certified with:

American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Additional Training in:

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Creative Healing Arts Therapy

Human Design


The Autoimmune Handbook

How To Transition To Plant-Based Eating

Ready to be ReNewed?

Contact me for a free 15-minute phone consultation to see how I can help.