5 Ways to tackle bloating.

I was shopping one day, many years ago, at a fabric store for a Broadway show I was working on when the sales girl said, “Oh my gosh, you’re pregnant!” 

Ummmm… I was not pregnant. I was bloated, b**tch. Not cool… and totally awkward when I told her that I was not pregnant.

Quick Public Service Announcement: You NEVER ask someone if they are pregnant. EVER. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, nearly 40% of Americans say they experience bad and uncomfortable bloating. That number is even higher for those with IBD, Celiac, or IBS.

There are many causes of bloating ranging from constipation to SIBO, gastroparesis to gut sensitivity, food sensitivities to gynecological issues.  

So what is a gal, or guy, to do? You can work with a doctor or coach to determine why you get so bloated, and in the meantime, you can create a list of comebacks, like the ones below. A little laughter does not hurt when you are so bloated you look pregnant.

Diagnostic Approach

Tracking your symptoms and pain can provide much needed data for your doctor to potentially determine what is causing your bloating. 

When do the symptoms start? How soon after eating? What did you eat and how much of it? How long does it last? How are your bowel habits? Any surgical history or use of medications and supplements? 

These can all help to determine the cause of bloating. Additionally, breath testing for SIBO, upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, gastric emptying testing, and abdominal imaging can all be beneficial in narrowing down the cause. 


Changing your diet is one of the best lines of defense in battling the bloat. 

First, you need to figure out which foods might be causing your bloating. Keeping a food journal and doing an elimination diet is a great way to track any patterns to see what might be triggering the reaction. 

Many people with IBS also say the a low FODMAP diet can help you avoid the foods that are known to cause the most bloat. 

I would recommend starting with a food journal and an elimination diet first. 


Occasional constipation can cause bloating and does not need a doctor to fix. Eating more fiber, drinking more water, and moving more can be a simple solution. Natural laxatives like Smooth Move tea or products like Cleanse More can be helpful for the occasional constipation and bloat.

Other conditions like IBS, IBD, or gastroparesis require consulting with a doctor. 

Typically, the more regular you are, the less bloating you may have. 


There is no one way to treat bloating. There are a variety of reasons for the symptoms, so there are a variety of ways to treat them. 

For some, it will resolve on its own or simply with over the counter medicines like Gas X or activated charcoal supplements. 

Diet changes, probiotics, digestive enzymes, exercise, antibiotics, antispasmodics, and hypnosis are just some of the ways to try and reduce the occurrence of bloating. 

Peppermint tea or capsules, ginger tea, and fennel tea are some natural ways to reduce bloating once it has already happened.  

Have a comeback

I was so confused, all those years ago, when that sales person asked me if I was pregnant. I did not have clever comeback. I think I just said, “Ummm… no.” 

However, if you are someone who has bloating all the time, or at least it feels like all the time, having some witty comebacks can make an uncomfortable situation a little less awkward. 

I came across a few versions of these online and thought I’d share… just in case the next time your bloated someone asks you when you are due. 

“Well this is awkward… would it make you feel less embarrassed if I say yes?”

“Oh my gosh, I was just about to ask you the same thing!”

“I’m not expecting a baby, but I sure am expecting an apology from you for asking.”

“Do you always ask inappropriate questions to people you don’t know?”

“Pregnant? Nope, that’s just my lunch.”

“I’ll say yes if you are gonna give me your seat on a crowded subway at rush hour… Otherwise don’t ask!”

Has this happened to you? What do you do to battle the bloat? 

You can share your experience or bloat tips in our private Facebook group. 

PS. Did you join our community yet? It took me years to realize my illness did not define me and I was not powerless.  Learning how to manage my nutrition, my stress, and my mental mindset was a game changer! 

I went from barely coping—to thriving.

So I created a private group that is about EMPOWERING each other to take back control over physical, emotional, and mental wellness! It is for those who are READY to TAKE ACTION and be active participants in their own healthcare! 

If you are ready to get unstuck from your suffering … I can’t wait to welcome you to the group!  

Click here to join.