If You Subscribe to a Google News Alert for “Korzybski,” Please Let Me Know!


Based on the Webalizer results I’m seeing for my general semantics blog, I’m getting a nice amount of hits to my general semantics blog.  I may be interpreting these results incorrectly, so I’m hoping you could help me out.

Let me know that you’re reading this by typing a hello in the Comments section below.

As I have only a handful of subscribers via RSS right now, I am guessing that whenever I put “Korzybski” in a blog posting, traffic comes to my blog via Google News Alerts for “korzybski” and the like.  If this is the case, this is fantastic news as it suggests there are a number of people out there who are interested in hearing references to Alfred Korzybski and his field, general semantics.

And if you want to follow this blog more closely, especially at those times when I don’t mention Korzybski but talk about general semantics in general, I recommend subscribing to my blog via RSS.  If you’re using a modern browser, you’ll probably see an orange box lit up somewhere on the browser.  Using it, you can subscribe to this blog and read my general semantics blog postings without having to navigate to this website.

I appreciate any comments you have about general semantics.  Your comment below, no matter the date you’re reading this, will help me better gauge the number of you out there who are interested in Korzybski.

Thanks!  See below to comment.

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