★ News from September 2007:
Howing Vic sent me this email today:
Hey, Ben -Yea!
I went to call you this morning, and your number's not in my phone anymore! (I lost all my numbers a while back and guess I didn't replace yours.) Today marks our ten year anniversary of driving to New York City in our U-Haul!!!
Happy Anniversary, Friend.
XO, Vic.
PS. Please e-mail me your number.
September 10, 2007
I just heard word that on Saturday, 10/27/07, I will be moderating a panel discussion at the All-Day Symposium at Fordham University on the general topic of "Mind and Consciousness: Understanding / Reconciling / Integrating Symbol Systems and Nervous Systems." On the panel will be two Ph.Ds and one M.D.
Also, my presentation "Developing the Experience of Group Mind" will be presented at some time in early 2008 at a New York Society for General Semantics meeting.
For more information about these events, please visit the upcoming page at the website for the New York Society for General Semantics.
September 14, 2007
Tonight I saw Across the Universe. I worked a few days on the film, and I made it into the cut. You can see me during "With a Little Help from My Friends," in the bottom right of the screen in background when in the frat house. I'm the guy studying. Eventually as they get rowider, I look up, distracted by their antics. I'm proud--it was a little bit of acting that made it into a film!
September 18, 2007
Today I had an interview for the film Dancing with Shiva. I met the film's director, Jonathan Demme.
September 28, 2007
Today I spent the day in Connecticut on a shoot for the upcoming film Old Dogs. I was in a quick scene in a New York City bound plane from Japan. At the top of the shot with John Travolta and Robin Williams struggling, I'm up the aisle standing, fiddling with my bag until a flight attendant asks me to sit down. I'm in a navy blue suit.