★ News from August 2007:
In record time, I redesigned my web design for the New York Society for General Semantics. Check it out:
In an inspired moment, I started working on it, and in under 12 hours, I was done. I'm pretty happy with it, and it has some innovations in my design technique. Again, I'm no expert and am just an amateur, but I enjoy expanding my talents. If you have an opinion, I hope you'll share.
August 28, 2007
Last night, Infusion Improv, the improv program I run and direct for Infusion Development, headlined at Caroline's Comedy Club in Times Square. The debut performance by the II team Glitter On Your Face was immediately followed by a surprise set by Damon Wayans. Damon said of Infusion Improv during his set, "Ya'll got some good concepts!"
This Wednesday at the D-Lounge, Infusion Improv goes musical with The Infusion Musical Improv Explosion! The II musical improv teams performing Wednesday at 8pm are The Singing Nipples and The Backline. The show is nearly sold out, so if you'd like to see it, get in your reservations STAT to infusionimprov dot tickets at gmail dot com.
August 30, 2007
Last night, Infusion Improv, the improv program I run and direct for Infusion Development, went musical in a big sold-out show titled The Infusion Musical Improv Explosion! at The D-Lounge in Union Square. The II musical improv teams The Singing Nipples and The Backline each did a tremendously entertaining set on two different audience suggestions: "martini" and "Mt. Everest." Hector Coris backed them on piano, improvising brilliant accompaniment for their spontaneous songs.