★ News from December 2002:
This Wednesday, December 4th, Stomping Ground Theatre Company's production of The Three Sisters, written by Anton Chekhov, adapted by David Mamet, opens at the 78th Street Theatre Lab in Manhattan's Upper West Side. I play Rode, who in this production is an amalgamation of two roles--Fedotik and Rode. Below is the blurb about the show, which runs through Friday, December 20th. Contact me above, if you'd like to see it; I think it's going to be a strong, entertaining production of the classic play.
The Stomping Ground Theatre Company invites you to their presentation of
A classic tale of love, loss, revenge and longing!
by Anton Chekhov, adapted by David Mamet
"THE ACTING CARRIES THE EVENING." - Matthew Murray, talkingbroadway.com (of Stomping Ground's last production)
Tickets ONLY $15. For reservations, call SmartTix at (212) 206-1515 or visit www.smarttix.com.
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 8pm | 5 8pm | 6 8pm | 7 8pm |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 8pm | 12 8pm | 13 8pm | 14 8pm |
15 3pm | 16 8pm | 17 | 18 8pm | 19 8pm | 20 8pm | 21 |
December 4, 2002
The Three Sisters opens tonight! For show information, see 12/2/2002's entry, or visit Stomping Ground Theatre Company's website.
And let me know if you're coming by contacting me above!
The Three Sisters is listed in this week's edition of the Village Voice. Here's what they have to say:
Using a bare stage and David Mamet’s stop-and-go, rhythmic adaptation, Stomping Ground Theatre aims for the subtlest nuances of emotion in Chekhov’s self-labeled “comedy,” which includes the requisite disenchanted doctor, as well as themes of isolation and lost opportunity. Olga, Masha, and Irina wish for love, freedom, and new beginnings in Moscow. Even the arrival of the Imperial Army cannot break the monotony and provinciality for these sisters, who spend their lives passing time before realizing life has passed them by.
December 7, 2002
Yesterday I auditioned for George Bernard Shaw's Mrs. Warren's Profession at the Looking Glass Theatre in NYC. Director Julie Fei-Fan Balzer was in attendance.
December 8, 2002
Here's a photo of me (2nd from left) watching a game of solitaire in The Three Sisters:
For more new photos from the production, click here.
December 9, 2002
I just booked work on Law & Order for tomorrow! I am supposed to be a criminal in the line-up as well as interrogated. This time it's no lines, unlike my first time on Law & Order, for which I was booked as a principal. I'm excited!
December 11, 2002
Yesterday was a long day on the set of Law & Order. Call was at 8:45am and I didn't wrap until 11:30pm. In attendance were Jerry Orbach, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jesse L. Martin, Elizabeth Rohm, and even Andrew McCarthy.
The episode is called "Absentia." I was stricken from the line-up and put in a brown pinstripe suit to play a court clerk in a small court scene with Rohm and McCarthy before the judge, and later I played a detective in the same suit (probably earlier in the episode) in Merkerson's office with Orbach and Martin.
I also landed a couple auditions for today (a go-see for AT&T and an audition for a Coca-Cola commercial), and arranged some auditions for later in the week for some plays.
I met Henry Kwan of Stanley Kaplan Talent yesterday on the set as well.
The Three Sisters starts up again tonight, running the next six days!
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 8pm | 12 8pm | 13 8pm | 14 8pm |
15 3pm | 16 8pm | 17 | 18 8pm | 19 8pm | 20 8pm | 21 |
December 12, 2002
Yesterday, I had a go-see at double wide media for an AT&T print job.
Also, I auditioned for a principal role in a Coca-Cola commercial at T&T Casting.
December 13, 2002
Yesterday, I got called for a callback from my Mrs. Warren's Profession audition at the Looking Glass Theatre.
This afternoon I met with Ingrid French of Ingrid French Management for a callback from our November meeting.
I am now freelancing commercially and theatrically with Ingrid French Management!
December 14, 2002
Yesterday evening I auditioned for the play Friendship, an Equity Showcase play in the Strawberry One-Act Festival at the Riant Theatre. In attendance were Justine Lichtman (playwright) and I-fan Quirk (director).
December 17, 2002
This afternoon I auditioned for directors in the MFA program at The Actors Studio for their directing scenes.
After that audition, I had a callback for Mrs. Warren's Profession at the Looking Glass Theatre for the role of Frank. Julie Fei-Fan Balzer (director) and Justine Lambert (artistic director) were in attendance.
December 18, 2002
The Off-Off Broadway Review (aka "OOBR") gave The Three Sisters a "highly recommended" review. And of me, the reviewer Jade Esteban Estrada wrote, "Hugh Grant look-alike Ben Hauck (Rode) was charming and funny in his role and brought a lively wit to the play." Click here to read the entire glowing review!
December 20, 2002
Yesterday afternoon I auditioned for Melissa Attebery, director of Wish, a play by Michael Allen being done at Love Creek Productions for The Actors Studio one-act showcase tentatively titled "Nine by Nine." I had auditioned for Melissa on 12/17/2002 for The Actors Studio MFA directing scenes, and she called me in for this project. Michael Allen (playwright) and Brian Olsen (fellow MFA-program director and director of this past spring's The Merry Wives of Windsor in which I played Peter Simple) were also in attendance.
December 21, 2002
The Three Sisters closed tonight!
December 22, 2002
Cast as Mark, a lead role in the Actors Studio one act Wish!
It has a short run in late January. More information to follow.
December 29, 2002
Sometimes callbacks come when you thought you were no longer being considered! Today, I got a call from Justine Lichtman for the one-act play Friendship--I auditioned for it on 12/14/2002. The callback is on 1/3/2003 for the role of John.
December 31, 2002
Tonight I am doing the Midnight Run in Central Park to launch the New Year. What's special about it is that it's my first race since injuring my right knee on 6/20/2002 and having arthroscopy to repair the damage to my bone and cartilage. My last doctor's visit was yesterday, and he said all of the deep healing was ready enough for me to run again!
I had been running on the treadmill recently, running 2+ miles. I ran 4 miles a couple days ago, and now I'm ready for the jovial 4-miler tonight. It seems I haven't lost as much endurance as I thought! Tonight marks my official training for the NYC Marathon 2003, for which I have guaranteed entry.
Happy New Year!