★ News from March 2000:
My big news came a couple weeks ago when I got cast in Law & Order. I was cast in a two-line role--named "Steve," the same as my character in Control Freaks in Love, ironically. I'm in the teaser of the "Surrender Dorothy" episode--i.e., the very beginning of the episode--and I discover the dead body with my girlfriend in the episode (Cami Carter). While the whole shoot was pretty uneventful (the coolest part was getting my own trailer!), the real excitement kicked in as Cami and I left the shoot, when we realized how many millions of people were going to see our acting work!!!
The Law & Order episode entitled "Surrender Dorothy" will air on either Wednesday, April 26th or May 3rd, on NBC. I think it's 10pm EST. I'm in the very, very beginning, and my name will likely be in the credits (really fast) at the end. Whoo-hoo!
The other good news is that I've been "cast" as the spokesperson for Yahoo!, the internet search engine. Myself and another guy will play the "World's Laziest Shopper" in a storefront space in the highly-visible area (think The Today Show) of Rockefeller Center in New York City. While I'm not exactly sure of all that the two of us are doing, I'll be promoting the Yahoo! Shopping portion of their website, operating a webcam and doing giveaways and having fun with my robotic Aibo dog Yodel, and doing public appearances which may include television appearances. This gig starts up April 10th and runs until May 13th, Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-5:30pm. I'll be either doing split shifts or working every other day, for pay. I may even get my Equity card! (I'm now eligible to join SAG through the Law & Order gig.)
ALSO, I'm co-producing with Jason Nettle a private workshop production of the play The Zoo Story. If you would like an invitation to the show, running April 7th thru April 10th at the MAP. Theatre in Manhattan, email me with your address and I'll send out an invite.
Enough for now! Life is Stupendous . . .